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dCap options mover and client options

Patrick Fuhrmann

Tigran Mkrtchyan

dCap is the native random access I/O protocol for files within dCache. In additition to the usual data transfer mechanisms, it supports all necessary file metadata and name space manipulation operations.

In order to optimize I/O transferrates and memory consumption dCap allows to configure parameters within the client and the server. e.g:

  • TCP Socket send and receive buffer sizes.

  • I/O buffers sizes.

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TCP send/recv buffer sizes from the servers point of view

There are two parameters per I/O direction, determining the actual TCP send/recv buffer size used for each transfer. Those values can be set within the config/pool.batch file on the pool nodes.

  • defaultSend/RecvBufferSize : this value is used if the dCap client doesn’t try to set this value. The default value for this parameter is 256K Bytes.

  • maxSend/RecvBufferSize : this value is the maximum value, the mover is allowed to use. It’s used if either the defaultSend/RecvBufferSize is larger or the client asks for a larger value. The default value for this parameter is 1MBytes.

On the server side, the max/defaultSend/RecvBuffer value can either be set in the config/pool.batch file or in the config/*.poollist files.

Using the batch context :

set context dCap3-maxSendBufferSize value in bytes
set context dCap3-maxRecvBufferSize value in bytes
set context dCap3-defaultSendBufferSize value in bytes
set context dCap3-defaultRecvBufferSize value in bytes

Or it may specified in the create ... command line

  create diskCacheV111.pools.MultiProtocolPool2 ${0} \
  "!MoverMap \
  ${1} \
  -defaultSendBufferSize=value in bytes \
  *** \
  -${2} -${3} -${4} -${5} -${6} -${7} -${8} \

The most appropriate way to specify those values on the server side is certainly to add the corresponding entry in the config/...poollist. The entry would look like

dcache30_1  /dcache/pool  sticky=allowed maxSendBufferSize=value in bytes tag.hostname=dcache30 ***

Please note the different ways of using the ’=’ and the ’-’ sign in the different alternatives.

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TCP send/recv buffer sizes from the dCap clients point of view

For a full list of dCap library API calls and dccp options, please refer to to and respectively. To set the local and remote TCP buffer send and receive buffers either use the API call dc_setTCPSend/ReceiveBuffer(int size) or the -r SIZE -s SIZE dccp options. In both cases the value is transferred to the remote mover which tries to set the corresponding values. Please not the the server protects itself by having a maximum size for those values which it doesn’t exceed. Please check the section ’TCP send/recv buffer sizes from the servers point of view’ to learn how to change those values.