Pool Commands
rep ls
rep ls - List the files currently in the repository of the pool.
rep ls[pnfsId…]|[-l=s|p|l|u|nc|e…][-s=k|m|g|t]
The PNFS ID(s) for which the files in the repository will be listed.
-l List only the files with one of the following properties:
s sticky files
p precious files
l locked files
u files in use
nc files which are not cached
e files with an error condition
-s Unit, the filesize is shown:
k data amount in KBytes
m data amount in MBytes
g data amount in GBytes
t data amount in TBytes
st set max active
st set max active - Set the maximum number of active store transfers.
st set max active
Any further requests will be queued. This value will also be used by the cost module for calculating the performance cost.
rh set max active
rh set max active - Set the maximum number of active restore transfers.
rh set max active
Any further requests will be queued. This value will also be used by the cost module for calculating the performance cost.
mover set max active
mover set max active- Set the maximum number of active client transfers.
mover set max active
maxActiveClientTransfers The maximum number of active client transfers.
moverQueueName The mover queue for which the maximum number of active transfers should be set. If this is not specified, the default queue is assumed, in order to be compatible with previous versions which did not support multiple mover queues (before version 1.6.6).
Any further requests will be queued. This value will also be used by the cost module for calculating the performance cost.
mover set max active -queue=p2p
mover set max active -queue=p2p - Set the maximum number of active pool-to-pool server transfers.
mover set max active -queue=p2p
Any further requests will be queued. This value will also be used by the cost module for calculating the performance cost.
pp set max active
pp set max active - Set the value used for scaling the performance cost of pool-to-pool client transfers analogous to the other
pp set max active
All pool-to-pool client requests will be performed immediately in order to avoid deadlocks. This value will only used by the cost module for calculating the performance cost.
set gap
set gap-Set the gap parameter - the size of free space below which it will be assumed that the pool is full within the cost calculations.
set gap
The gap parameter is used within the space cost calculation scheme described in the section called “The Space Cost”. It specifies the size of free space below which it will be assumed that the pool is full and consequently the least recently used file has to be removed if a new file has to be stored on the pool. If, on the other hand, the free space is greater than gapPara, it will be expensive to store a file on the pool which exceeds the free space.
set breakeven
set breakeven - Set the breakeven parameter - used within the cost calculations.
set breakeven
breakevenPara The breakeven parameter has to be a positive number smaller than 1.0. It specifies the impact of the age of the least recently used file on space cost. It the LRU file is one week old, the space cost will be equal to (1 +breakeven)
. Note that this will not be true, if the breakeven parameter has been set to a value greater or equal to 1.
The breakeven parameter is used within the space cost calculation scheme described in the section called “The Space Cost”.
mover ls
mover ls-List the active and waiting client transfer requests.
mover ls[-queue|-queue=
queueName The name of the mover queue for which the transfers should be listed.
Without parameter all transfers are listed. With -queue
all requests sorted according to the mover queue are listed. If a queue is explicitly specified, only transfers in that mover queue are listed.
migration cache
migration cache - Caches replicas on other pools.
migration cache [
Caches replicas on other pools. Similar to migration copy
, but with different defaults. See migration copy
for a description of all options. Equivalent to: migration copy
-smode=same -tmode=cached
migration cancel
migration cancel - Cancels a migration job
migration cancel [-force] job
Cancels the given migration job. By default ongoing transfers are allowed to finish gracefully.
migration clear
migration clear — Removes completed migration jobs.
migration clear
Removes completed migration jobs. For reference, information about migration jobs are kept until explicitly cleared.
migration concurrency
migration concurrency - Adjusts the concurrency of a job.
migration concurrency
Sets the concurrency of
migration copy
migration copy-Copies files to other pools.
migration copy [
Copies files to other pools. Unless filter options are specified, all files on the source pool are copied.
The operation is idempotent, that is, it can safely be repeated without creating extra copies of the files. If the replica exists on any of the target pools, then it is not copied again. If the target pool with the existing replica fails to respond, then the operation is retried indefinitely, unless the job is marked as eager.
Please notice that a job is only idempotent as long as the set of target pools does not change. If pools go offline or are excluded as a result of an exclude or include expression then the job may stop being idempotent.
Both the state of the local replica and that of the target replica can be specified. If the target replica already exists, the state is updated to be at least as strong as the specified target state, that is, the lifetime of sticky bits is extended, but never reduced, and cached can be changed to precious, but never the opposite.
Transfers are subject to the checksum computiton policy of the target pool. Thus checksums are verified if and only if the target pool is configured to do so. For existing replicas, the checksum is only verified if the verify option was specified on the migration job.
Jobs can be marked permanent. Permanent jobs never terminate and are stored in the pool setup file with the save
command. Permanent jobs watch the repository for state changes and copy any replicas that match the selection criteria, even replicas added after the job was created. Notice that any state change will cause a replica to be reconsidered and enqueued if it matches the selection criteria MDASH also replicas that have been copied before.
Several options allow an expression to be specified. The following operators are recognized: <
, <=
, ==
, !=
, >=
, >
, lt
, le
, eq
, ne
, ge
, gt
, ~=
, !~
, +
, -
, *
, /
, %
, div
, mod
, |
, &
, ^
, ~
, &&
, ||
, !
, and
, or
, not
, ?:
, =
. Literals may be integer literals, floating point literals, single or double quoted string literals, and boolean true and false. Depending on the context, the expression may refer to constants.
Please notice that the list of supported operators may change in future releases. For permanent jobs we recommend to limit expressions to the basic operators <
, <=
, ==
, !=
, >=
, >
, +
, -
, *
, /
, &&
, ||
and !
-accessed=n|[n]..[m] Only copy replicas accessed n seconds ago, or accessed within the given, possibly open-ended, interval; e.g. -accessed=0..60
matches files accessed within the last minute; -accesed=60..
matches files accessed one minute or more ago.
-al=ONLINE|NEARLINE Only copy replicas with the given access latency.
-pnfsid=pnfsid[,pnfsid] … Only copy replicas with one of the given PNFS IDs.
-rp=CUSTODIAL|REPLICA|OUTPUT Only copy replicas with the given retention policy.
-size=n|[n]..[m] Only copy replicas with size n, or a size within the given, possibly open-ended, interval.
-state=cached|precious Only copy replicas in the given state.
-sticky[=owner[,owner…]] Only copy sticky replicas. Can optionally be limited to the list of owners. A sticky flag for each owner must be present for the replica to be selected.
-storage=class Only copy replicas with the given storage class.
-concurrency=concurrency Specifies how many concurrent transfers to perform. Defaults to 1.
-order=[-]size|[-]lru Sort transfer queue. By default transfers are placed in ascending order, that is, smallest and least recently used first. Transfers are placed in descending order if the key is prefixed by a minus sign. Failed transfers are placed at the end of the queue for retry regardless of the order. This option cannot be used for permanent jobs. Notice that for pools with a large number of files, sorting significantly increases the initialization time of the migration job.
size Sort according to file size.
lru Sort according to last access time.
-pins=move|keep Controls how sticky flags owned by the CELL-PINMNGR are handled:
move Ask CELL-PINMNGR to move pins to the target pool.
keep Keep pins on the source pool.
-smode=same|cached|precious|removable|delete[+owner[(lifetime)] …] Update the local replica to the given mode after transfer:
same does not change the local state (this is the default).
cached marks it cached.
precious marks it precious.
removable marks it cached and strips all existing sticky flags exluding pins.
delete deletes the replica unless it is pinned.
An optional list of sticky flags can be specified. The lifetime is in seconds. A lifetime of 0 causes the flag to immediately expire. Notice that existing sticky flags of the same owner are overwritten.
-tmode=same|cached|precious[+owner[(lifetime)]…] Set the mode of the target replica:
same applies the state and sticky bits excluding pins of the local replica (this is the default).
cached marks it cached.
precious marks it precious.
An optional list of sticky flags can be specified. The lifetime is in seconds.
-verify Force checksum computation when an existing target is updated.
-eager Copy replicas rather than retrying when pools with existing replicas fail to respond.
-exclude=pool[,pool…] Exclude target pools. Single character (?
) and multi character (*
) wildcards may be used.
-exclude-when=expression Exclude target pools for which the expression evaluates to true. The expression may refer to the following constants:
source.name or target.name pool name
source.spaceCost or target.spaceCost space cost
source.cpuCost or target.cpuCost cpu cost
source.free or target.free free space in bytes
source.total or target.total total space in bytes
source.removable or target.removable removable space in bytes
source.used or target.used used space in bytes
-include=pool[,pool…] Only include target pools matching any of the patterns. Single character (?
) and multi character (*
) wildcards may be used.
-include-when=expression Only include target pools for which the expression evaluates to true. See the description of -exclude-when for the list of allowed constants.
-refresh=time Specifies the period in seconds of when target pool information is queried from the pool manager. The default is 300 seconds.
-select=proportional|best|random Determines how a pool is selected from the set of target pools:
proportional selects a pool with a probability inversely proportional to the cost of the pool.
best selects the pool with the lowest cost.
random selects a pool randomly.
The default is proportional.
-target=pool|pgroup|link Determines the interpretation of the target names. The default is ‘pool’.
-pause-when=expression Pauses the job when the expression becomes true. The job continues when the expression once again evaluates to false. The following constants are defined for this pool:
queue.files The number of files remaining to be transferred.
queue.bytes The number of bytes remaining to be transferred.
source.name Pool name.
source.spaceCost Space cost.
source.cpuCost CPU cost.
source.free Free space in bytes.
source.total Total space in bytes.
source.removable Removable space in bytes.
source.used Used space in bytes.
targets The number of target pools.
-permanent Mark job as permanent.
-stop-when=expression Terminates the job when the expression becomes true. This option cannot be used for permanent jobs. See the description of -pause-when for the list of constants allowed in the expression.
migration info
migration info - Shows detailed information about a migration job.
migration info
Shows detailed information about a migration job. Possible job states are:
INITIALIZING Initial scan of repository
RUNNING Job runs (schedules new tasks)
SLEEPING A task failed; no tasks are scheduled for 10 seconds
PAUSED Pause expression evaluates to true; no tasks are scheduled for 10 seconds.
STOPPING Stop expression evaluated to true; waiting for tasks to stop.
SUSPENDED Job suspended by user; no tasks are scheduled
CANCELLING Job cancelled by user; waiting for tasks to stop
CANCELLED Job cancelled by user; no tasks are running
FINISHED Job completed
FAILED Job failed. Please check the log file for details.
Job tasks may be in any of the following states:
Queued Queued for execution
GettingLocations Querying PnfsManager for file locations
UpdatingExistingFile Updating the state of existing target file
CancellingUpdate Task cancelled, waiting for update to complete
InitiatingCopy Request send to target, waiting for confirmation
Copying Waiting for target to complete the transfer
Pinging Ping send to target, waiting for reply
NoResponse Cell connection to target lost
Waiting Waiting for final confirmation from target
MovingPin Waiting for pin manager to move pin
Cancelling Attempting to cancel transfer
Cancelled Task cancelled, file was not copied
Failed The task failed
Done The task completed successfully
migration ls
migration ls - Lists all migration jobs.
migration ls
Lists all migration jobs.
migration move
migration move - Moves replicas to other pools.
migration move [
Moves replicas to other pools. The source replica is deleted. Similar to migration copy
, but with different defaults. Accepts the same options as migration copy
. Equivalent to: migration copy
-smode=delete -tmode=same -pins=move
migration suspend
migration suspend - Suspends a migration job.
migration suspend job
Suspends a migration job. A suspended job finishes ongoing transfers, but is does not start any new transfer.
migration resume
migration resume - Resumes a suspended migration job.
migration resume job
Resumes a suspended migration job.