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Chapter 10. Authorization in dCache

Table of Contents

Using X.509 Certificates
CA Certificates
User Certificate
Host Certificate
VOMS Proxy Certificate
Configuration files
The gplazmalite-vorole-mapping plug-in
Authorizing a VO
The kpwd plug-in
The gridmap plug-in
gPlazma specific dCache configuration
Enabling Username/Password Access for WebDAV
gPlazma config example to work with authenticated webadmin

To limit access to data, dCache comes with an authentication and authorization interface called gPlazma2. gPlazma is an acronym for Grid-aware PLuggable AuthorZation Management. Earlier versions of dCache worked with gPlazma1 which has now been completely removed from dCache. So if you are upgrading, you have to reconfigure gPlazma if you used gPlazma1 until now.