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Parameters, sections and inheritance

Parameters, currently part of the partitioning scheme, are listed within the next paragraph, together with the old and new way of assigning values. A change in the command set has become necessary to reflect the new schema. Each of those parameters may be set to different values for different, so called dCache sections. The only section, existing without being created, is the default section. With the pre 1.7.0 command set, only the default section can be manipulated. With the new commmand set, all sections can be created or modified. If only a subset of parameters of a non default section is defined, the residual parameters of this section are inherited from the default section. So, changing a parameter in the default section, will change the same parameter of all other sections for which this particular parameter has not been overwritten.

Commands related to dCache partitioning :

  • pm set [<sectionName>] -<parameterName>[=<value>|off] sets a parameter <parameterName> to a new value. If <sectionName> is omitted, the default section is used. If <sectionName> doesn’t exist yet, it is (silently) created. If a parameter is set to off this parameter is no longer overwritten and is inherited from the default section. The off doesn’t make sense for the default section.

  • pm ls [-l] [<sectionName>] lists a single or all sections. Except for the default, only those parameters are shown which are explicitly set. Parameters, not shown, are inherited from the default section.

  • pm destroy <sectionName> destroys a section.

The top menu of the PoolManager configuration web pages points to a page summerizing the section status of the system. This is essentially the content of the pm ls -l.