Preparing the resilient dCache

Scope of this document

This web page briefly summarizes steps to install the dCache in resilient mode. It's meant as 'aide-memoire' for people doing dCache packaging. The document is of very little use for dCache end users. You may find useful information on how to operate the Resilient Module at the Resilient Manual.


Database Preparation

dCache Preparation

 Suppose Resilient Manager cells was created with the name replicaManager, then

Starting the resilient manager

The dCache config contains a valid batch file (replica.batch) for starting the resilient manager. A possible simple configuration would look like
       create diskCacheV111.replicaManager.ReplicaManagerV2 replicaManager \
"default \
-export \
-configDirectory=/opt/d-cache/config \
-dbClass=diskCacheV111.replicaManager.ReplicaDbV1 \
-hotRestart \
-min=2 -max=3 "

If you would like to change default parameters you may add more arguments like
           create diskCacheV111.replicaManager.ReplicaManagerV2 replicaManager \
"default \
-export \
-configDirectory=/opt/d-cache/config \
-dbClass=diskCacheV111.replicaManager.ReplicaDbV1 \
-coldStart \
-min=2 -max=3 \
-maxWorkers=6 \
-debug=true \
       -dbURL=jdbc:postgresql:// \
       -jdbcDrv=org.postgresql.Driver \
       -dbUser=myDBUserName \
       -dbPass=myDBUserPassword \
-poolWatchDogPeriod=60 \
-waitDBUpdateTO=60 \
-delayDBStartTO=1200 \
-delayAdjStartTO=1260 \
-waitReplicateTO=43200 \
-waitReduceTO=43200 "
The parameter configDirectory should point to the dCache config directory.

For the default values of the parameters and the meaning of the other parameters and for an introduction into the management of the resilient cache please consult the Resilient Manual.

When you verified Resilience Manager starts and runs normally on your system, you may add to or uncomment "replica" in the the start/ stop sequence of the dcache startup script, e.g. /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache-opt .

Resilience Manager Monitoring

Resilience Manager uses tomcat to monitor it's operation. This package is not required for normal RM operation, but it is highly desirable to install and run it to properly monitor RM. Monitoring package installation is described separately.

File Version: $Id: resilientDCacheInstallation.html,v 1.11 2005/05/11 21:17:27 aik Exp $
© dCache.ORG ; Authors : Patrick Fuhrmann, Alex Kulyavtsev ; Last Updated : $Date: 2005/05/11 21:17:27 $